PEF Invites Nominations for 2016-2017 Board

 In News

The Piedmont Education Foundation (PEF) Board has convened a Governance Committee to review Board structure and make recommendations for nominations. The Board’s goal is to have representation and participation from a wide and diverse cross-section of both our school and residential community.  (More about the PEF Board here.)

Piedmont residents are welcome to make nominations (or self-nominate). Interest in non-board Committee participation is also welcome.

Please email Governance Committee Chair Dana Serleth with suggestions, noting skills and affiliations of nominee by 5 pm on Wednesday February 24, 2016.


Dana Serleth
PEF Governance Committee Chair

About PEF

The Piedmont Education Foundation is a community-based, registered 501(c)3 non-profit whose mission is to promote academic excellence, champion innovation, and provide sustained financial support to the Piedmont Unified School District. PEF raises more than $3 million annually for the K-12 Piedmont public schools, and is the steward for an Endowment valued at more than $6 million. Responsible for providing nearly 8% of the District budget, we actively engage our community on behalf of the Piedmont schools.